
Being a fusion wedding photographer in London allows me to meet people from all over the world. Each year I like to reminisce about my past year and this year was no different.
Having to choose a small selection of my wedding photos for this blog was hard. Out of the thousands that I have delivered to my wedding couples choosing my favorites was a big job.

And, I loved doing it, looking back has reminded me why I love being a fusion wedding photographer in London.

I love to capture those fly-on-the-wall moments. The moments that you and your family and friends will look back over in generations to come.

I can safely say this year has been full of love & laughter. I am truly grateful to each and every one of my past, present, and future clients.

It has been a year that shows the true emotions and happiness a wedding can bring into people’s lives. With clients traveling from all over the world this year it has been amazing to see how cultures and traditions vary. I am blessed to have been involved in those weddings.

Whilst I specialise as a fusion wedding photographer in London, I love, Love. Meaning I will photograph all weddings and if it means two cultures coming together I am even more down for that!

2023 looks to be equally, if not more epic and I really plan to photograph more weddings and the dream would be to quit my 9-5 and do what I love full-time!

Below is just a small selection of some of my favorite wedding photographs for this year. Please do enjoy looking through them and remember to drop me a message if you would like to find out my availability for your wedding day.

Check out some of the venues I have worked at this year and one that is on my bucket list…

Bucket List Venue:

The Cherry Barn is on my bucket list – go check it out and if you are getting married there and do not yet have your wedding photographer, please do send me a message 😛

A Few of my previous weddings

Foxhills Wedding Venue, Surrey
Prince Regent Hotel, Chigwell
Islington Town Hall
The Dickens Inn